震災後、オランダに在住する若い日本人たちが、Hope Step Japan という組織を作り、震災後の日本支援や、原発事故に伴う環境保護問題の勉強会や討論の場を設けるという活動を始めています。過去に行われた会合でも、日本国内では得ることが難しい見解や、オランダ人の原発専門家による現状分析など、ためになり、わかりやすい活動が続けられています。
震災から3年目を迎えるに先立ち、3月8日、アムステルダムの古い倉庫を改造したフォーラム会場で、Hope Step Japan に協力する Wise International という反原発団体とともに、記念イベントが開かれました。放射能地域の家畜を巡る問題や、汚染水の現状などについての専門家の見解に交じって、今回は、原発事故後の「市民関与」について、新たにテーマとして話し合いたい、という希望が出され、僭越ながら、私から15分間のスピーチをさせていただきました。このスピーチは、1時間のトークショーの中で最初に行ったもので、その後、在日のオランダ人ジャーナリストからの報告、会場からの質疑などが続きました。
「デモクラシー」という言葉は、良く「民主主義」と翻訳されますが、それは、自由主義・社会主義・資本主義・共産主義などのように、ism で終わる言葉ではなく、-cracy という「体制」を意味しており、むしろ、このデモクラシーの中でこそ、すべての主義が平等に共存し、お互いを切磋琢磨させてより良い深い考えへと導くシステムであると思っています。
最近、イギリスの週刊誌 The Economist が、What’s gone wrong with democracy? という特別記事を発表していました。デモクラシーの危機は、日本だけの問題ではありません。ウクライナやロシアの問題をはじめ、アメリカもヨーロッパも中国もアラブ世界もアフリカも、世界中の国々で、一般の人々は、デモクラシーの危機のもとにおかれています。その一つの理由は、前世紀末から今世紀にかけて広がった産業・商業のグロバリゼーションによって、国家統治が、国内の問題だけではなく、国際的な政治的力関係の中で決まる時代に突入してしまっていることとも関係があるように思えます。ある意味で、国家統治の時代は終わり、物事が、地球規模で関係し合いながら動いているにもかかわらず、それを統制する仕組みを人類はまだ見出していないからなのではないかとも思います。
Can the Japanese People—
Stop Nuclear Power?
Naoko Richters
1. Introduction: Outcome of the election for the governorship of Tokyo in February
イントロダクション: 2月に行われた東京都知事選の結果
2. Personal episodes recently experienced in Japan
3. The Public Education and modernization in Japan
■ Introduction: Outcome of the election for the governorship of Tokyo
The election for the governorship of Tokyo which was held last month was the focus of many environmental activists in Japan. And its outcome was a great disappointment for them in the end.
The question which the election left with us is probably exactly the same as the title of today’s talk: Can the Japanese people (ever) stop the nuclear power?
As many of you know, in the election, Mr.Yoichi Masuzoe, conservative candidate officially supported by the members of LDP regional branch of Tokyo and Komei-to, LDP’s partner in the national government, won by 43% of the votes, while neither Mr.Kenji Utsunomiya nor Mr.Morihiro Hosokawa, two prominent opposite candidates supported by green activists, could get majority of the votes (Utsunomiya and Hosokawa: both 20 %).
To me, the most striking phenomena of the election were, first of all: the low voting rate, secondly: the failure of the opposition candidates to unite, and thirdly: the popularity of Mr.Toshio Tamogami, a right-wing candidate who supported re-opening of the nuclear power plants (, he received even 13% of the votes!).
The voting rate was as low as 46%, which is much lower than the last time (63%). Although the reason was said to be the heavy snow fall, it could also be interpreted as a sign of apathy or cynicism towards politics among the electorates.
Concerning the second point, the voters who were concerned about how to stop the use of nuclear power were frustrated by having two anti-nuclear candidates who did not unite on this issue. None of the two candidates would probably win the majority, and this would give the advantage to Mr.Masuzoe, who would certainly take no direct action to stop the nuclear power, though he passively manifested that he is also against it.
At the disaster of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant three years ago, most people in Japan realised for the first time the fact that there are 54 nuclear power plants on the islands full of earthquakes and in danger of tsunami’s. Quite a few of them became politically active, too. I often have contact with young students and teachers in Japan through my work, and many of them became certainly much more seriously concerned about the future of the country than before. No wonder they are! Because they have to live there with all those problematic power plants in coming 50, 60, and maybe 70 years.
Did these people ever go to vote, or stay home because they thought that their votes will not have effect on the outcome anyway?
Indeed, with the right wing support to Mr.Tamogami, the outcome of the election confirmed the conservative political landscape of Tokyo. Whether it reflects the will of all the electorates or not, eliminating nuclear power from Japanese territory by democratic procedure appeared to be very difficult.
Is democracy actually functioning in Japan? Democratization of Japanese Society was the issue of the world after the WWII. But did democracy ever grow roots there?
I have been occupied thinking of these questions for quite some time. And I am trying to figure out how public education can help to maintain a healthy democracy.
After spending 15 years in the countries like Malaysia, Kenya, Costa Rica, and Bolivia as researcher of pedagogy and sociology, since 1996, I live in the Netherlands, and I studied the education system here. With this experience, I also reviewed the public education system in Japan. I have published many articles and several books about education and about the social system in the Netherlands.
■ Personal episodes experienced in Japan
・Unduly criticized Teachers’ Union and weak mass media
In January this year I travelled to Japan again. This time I was invited to give a keynote speech in the national annual meeting of Japan Teachers’ Union in Shiga.
When I was asked to do this, the first thing that I was told was not to tell anyone about the location of the meeting. In fact, in 2008, the reservation of the hall for the opening ceremony for the union’s annual meeting in Tokyo was suddenly cancelled under pressure of right wing groups.
The annual meeting is held in a different city every year. After the opening ceremony, several tracks are organised around the city, where teachers present the result of their work and research. Officials and union members of the city which hosts the meeting have the heavy task to protect the 3000 or so members of the union from possible violence by right wing activists. Streets around the venues of the meetings are protected by many policemen. Still, each year the main streets of the city are filled with many black vans from all over Japan, equipped with electric loudspeakers, through which aggressive words are shouted, accusing the union’s members as “anti-national”, “unpatriotic”, “immoral teachers”, and so on, often accompanied by very loud military march music.
The point here is: even though the teachers in the union are seriously discussing issues like children’s rights to be critical, to participate in politics, or to discuss actual political issues in classrooms, they are shouted and put in a negative picture by these right wingers. The general public is gradually and often subconsciously made to believe that the Teachers’ Union’s members are politically biased teachers.
To be honest, I had to consider carefully whether I should accept the invitation for the speech or not. To be involved in the activities of the Union means taking a risk to be politically painted as at least as a “socialist”, or even worse in the Japanese context: as a “communist”.
After my speech on the first day, I actually attended some of the track meetings in the following days. One was about children’s autonomy at school, and another was about teaching gender equality and sexuality. In both cases I found the level of the discussion very high. Honestly speaking, I was more excited by the quality of the discussions than in many of symposia attended by famous university researchers. But the contents of the union’s meetings hardly appeared in detail in major newspapers or TV programs. What the general public in the street hear are the shouts and march music from the speakers of the black vans. These vans are often stationed around the anti-nuclear demonstrators around the parliament, too.
This phenomenon is not new in Japan. More than 30 years ago, in the middle of the Japan’s boom period, Prof. Ienaga’s high school history textbook was banned by government censorship because of its ‘progressive’ view, admitting Japanese war crimes. Journalists writing socialistically inclined articles often became targets of right winger’s violence and threats. This naturally weakens the freedom of journalism and more generally of expression in Japan.
My visit to Japan was shortly before the election for the governorship of Tokyo. Quite a few people told me that they found it strange that there was very little broadcasting about the election campaign on TV. It was as if someone was thinking that the political interest of the electorate should not be stimulated too much.
・Lack of citizenship training at school
I just spoke about political involvement of the people. But also expectation of the people, or rather the national leaders on the role of schools to raise their youth as democratic citizens is very different between Japan and The Netherlands.
During the week followed the Union’s meetings, I held a few workshops for teachers, students, and members of local municipal governments in Japan. The aim of my workshops was to have the participants experience the lessons for citizenship that are given in primary schools in the Netherlands. Citizenship education became an obligatory subject in primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands a few years ago.
The workshop participants were divided into three groups: pro’s, con’s and juries. More or less actual issues were presented for discussion like: “the consumption tax should be increased”, “the teachers in public schools should be relocated after 3 year service in one school”, “textbook used in public schools should be censored by the national government”, and so on. The participants debated an issue for 15 minutes. First they were very shy, but through this debate, they became more and more talkative with much expression in their face and gesture. In the end they enjoyed the activity like primary school children.
The interesting thing is that they often told me: “it was very difficult to defend an opinion contrary to my own”, or “we, teachers, should do this kind of exercise more often at school”, or “I have never thought in my life what criteria we should use to evaluate someone’s arguments at debates” and so on. Obviously there is a need for this kind of exercise, and it’s fun.
■ The Aim of Public Education: creativity, citizenship, cooperation, communication and critical thinking
公教育の目的: 創造性、シチズンシップ、協働、コミュニケーション、批判的思考
In the Netherlands, freedom of education is a basic principle. Schools are free to choose the pedagogical philosophy they prefer to organise their education system and delivery method. People can establish a school if they can collect a certain number of students and if they fulfil other legal requirements on teacher qualification, time spent on principal subjects, and so on. The school will receive a budget from the national government, irrespective of the preferred education system or method, or religious content if that applies. Parents and children can choose a school which suits most to their wishes and tastes, and if they are not satisfied with a school, they can raise their voice through the participatory committee (MR) or to the Education Inspectorate. On the contrary, in Japan, we have no freedom to establish a school which will receive a budget from the government, nor do we have participatory committee (MR’s) or an independent inspectorate which listens to the complaints from a parent or a pupil and which keeps an eye on the quality of education. The textbooks are censored by the government; teachers do their classroom practice under strong control of school leaders, who are in turn also rigidly controlled by municipalities and the central government.
The competitiveness of Asian school systems is well known in the world. The schools stress on cognitive test results, rather than on the social-emotional development of the children.
A high school in The Hague where I often bring Japanese students recently began an exchange program with a high school in Japan. They use internet to share students’ presentations, lessons and so on. The school in The Hague had already had contact with several foreign schools in Germany, Turkey, Spain, England, Singapore, and so on, and they recently formed a league of schools under the theme of Tolerance. The The Hague school encourages their pupils to exchange with foreign pupils to learn to be tolerant of differences and to become world citizens in the future. In front of the school, a monumental artwork was built recently, on which you can read Nelson Mandela’s words: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
The teachers of the school were enthusiastic to include a partner school from Japan in this league and to plan actual exchange programs for students. But they find that the teachers of the Japanese school cannot find the time to do so because their school years are tightly planned and fully booked with testing and examinations. It is not necessarily the priority of the teachers, but they are pressured by parents and students whose minds are occupied with how to pass the entrance examination of the best universities.
The chance to enter a famous university in Japan is determined by a one-time entrance examination, and not by a high school diploma, as in the Netherlands. To get a high school diploma you have to reach a certain level of achievement. But the entrance examination is a pure competition. You will never feel certain until you win the game. And for that game, high school students have to study endlessly to remember facts and skills which can be measured only on paper. They may pass the exam, but they lose a huge amount of time that could otherwise be spent for socialization or for development as a citizen.
Martha Nussbaum, professor of philosophy at Chicago University, started one of her books with, “All over the world people are struggling for lives that are worthy of their human dignity. Leaders of countries often focus on national economic growth alone, but their people, meanwhile, are striving for something different: meaningful lives for themselves.”
I wonder whether the dignity of Japanese school pupils is respected by the national government, and by the society.
Actually, the present government is again busy tightening their centralised control on textbooks and teachers, and decided national testing of all the children. Why do they so?
■ Successful industrialization on the price of democracy
The answer is quite simple: The success of Japanese industrialization and economic growth was achieved on the cost of the democratization of the people.
The public school system was a sieve to select the best students for the fast development of technology and of the huge bureaucracy to hold the system as it is.
Democracy takes a lot of discussion and communication time. Critical citizens would have been an obstacle for the quick development of the nation.
Building 54 nuclear power stations on islands with frequent earthquakes are a symbol of this mentality.
If this is the idea of the public education system in Japan, the apathy towards the politics was the intended purpose of the system by the leaders. The entire society is based on this mentality, and it will be reproduced in the future, too.
“Education is powerful to change the society”, but it is also powerful to stand firm with a conventional mentality!
So how can we break this seemingly deadlock situation of Japan? I would like to discuss on this question further in this talk.